"Properties" includes, but is not limited to, buildings, rooms, labs, entrances, porticos, lobbies, athletic facilities, conference rooms, auditoriums, art galleries, gardens, and donor recognition walls.
"Programs" includes, but is not limited to, schools, institutes, academic departments, academic programs, and competitions.
"Positions" includes, but is not limited to, endowed or funded professorships, chairs, and administrators.
The president or designee shall prepare and maintain a current inventory of appropriate naming opportunities.
In the case of a naming or recognition for an individual based on significant meritorious service, the recommended individual shall have rendered exceptional service to the college which may be demonstrated by significant longevity at the college, superior performance in a position critical to the college's welfare, and distinguished achievement within that position, or distinguished achievement honored by state or national recognition which would provide a substantial benefit to the college.
In the case of a naming or recognition for an individual who is separated from the college, either through death, retirement, or in any other manner, the recommendation shall not, except under extraordinary circumstances, be put forward prior to three years from the date of such separation.
In the case -of a naming or recognition on the basis of a monetary donation, the naming or recognition shall require a significant contribution or contributions given by a donor over the course of the donor's lifetime for the benefit of the college. In determining the appropriateness of a naming or other form of recognition on the basis of monetary donations, the following factors may also be considered: the personal qualities of the donor; the donor's relationship to the college; the appropriateness of the donor's name being associated with the college; the donor's non-monetary contributions to the college, such as volunteer services and activities, awards, and/or other assistance beneficial to the college; and the present value of one or all monetary donations contributed by the donor over the course of the donor's lifetime for the benefit of the college.
Any recommendation for a naming or recognition shall be accompanied by a detailed description of the ways in which the nominee satisfies all the conditions and criteria set forth herein.
When a recommendation is submitted to the Board of Trustees by a member of the Board of Trustees, the member shall recuse him/herself from the vote on the recommendation.
The Board of Trustees' decision regarding the naming or recognition shall be based on the conditions/criteria set forth in these procedures, with the vote taken in public session.
Any significant change in identity or reputability of the recipient of a naming or recognition as a result of a legal impropriety or other act which brings dishonor to the college on the part of the recipient shall make the gift, naming, or recognition subject to reconsideration by the Board of Trustees. All recipients of a naming or recognition shall be advised of this right of reconsideration by the Board of Trustees prior to any naming or recognition.
The naming or recognition shall ordinarily last the lifetime of the property, program or position, unless other specified. Demolition of the property or termination of the program or position shall terminate the designation. Under such a circumstance the recipient of the naming or recognition shall be offered an opportunity by the Board of Trustees to transfer the naming to a comparable property, program, or position provided by the Board of Trustees before any other naming or recognition is considered.
The Board or Trustees, working with the president, shall determine the content, timing, location, and frequency of any public announcement(s) associated with any naming or recognition and the color, design, and size of any physical markers or signage.
Procedure Title: Naming College Properties, Programs, and Positions Procedure
Policy Category: Administration, Business and Fiscal Affairs
Policy Owner: President
Policy Administrator: Executive Director, Institutional Advancement & Foundation
Contact Information: Vollie Melson; vmelson@gt5cheats.com; 410-777-1494
Approval Date: December 12, 2017
Effective Date: December 12, 2017
History: Adopted on June 12, 2012; Revised December 12, 2017
Applies to: Board of Trustees
Related Policies: Naming College Properties, Programs, and Positions
Related Procedures: N/A
Forms/Guidelines: N/A
Relevant Laws: N/A