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AACC is dedicated to helping veterans and their families reach their education goals. 

Steps to Get Started

This is a step-by-step guide to the admissions and enrollment process at AACC. We want to help you begin your studies without delay or complications. 

1. Apply for admission to AACC.

2. Activate your MYAACC account.

You need your seven-digit AACC ID number, assigned user name and unique security code, which can be found in an email sent to you when you initially applied to AACC. For information visit our Password Management page.

3. Submit all official transcripts.

Send all official, sealed high school, college, military and credit exam transcripts to AACC’s Records Office, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012 or to

4. Attend orientation.

AACC's online orientation can be accessed at any time from a desktop computer or mobile device with internet access by visiting our Orientation page. You will also receive an invitation to participate in our next Military/Veteran Newcomer’s Briefing live session, an optional event that will provide you with more specific information about college services for military and veteran students and their families.

5. Initiate the process to access your veteran educational benefits.

Determine your eligible veteran educational benefit, such as the GI Bill®, and apply by visiting the How to Apply page on the VA website. Take note of your application confirmation number; AACC can use it during your initial VA benefit set-up process. If you have questions about VA education benefits, call the GI Bill® helpline at 888-442-4551 (888-GI-BILL-1) or submit a question online

6. Schedule an individual advising appointment.

There are options for your academic advising experience, and you can choose one or both of these options!

You can schedule an appointment with a field of interest academic advisor that is associated with your chosen major. 

You can also schedule an appointment with a military/veteran academic advisor through the Military/Veteran Resource Center that specializes in working with military/veteran students and veteran educational benefit set up, certification and maximization. 

During your advising appointment, you can discuss the following:

  • Determine your English and mathematics course placement. This may require you to take a free Accuplacer placement exam.
  • Select a program of study (major).
  • Register for courses and build a schedule.
  • Explore additional financial aid options, including scholarships and grants.
  • Set academic goals and discuss success strategies.
  • Receive referrals for other services to support and enhance your learning experience.

7. Connect with the Military/Veteran Resource Center.

Meet our team of military/veteran peer counselors and academic advisors who will stay by your side throughout your time at AACC.

The MVRC features a lounge called 'The Bunker', a comfortable space where military/veteran students can listen to music, watch TV or movies and just wind down after a busy day. Fresh coffee, ice-cold water and snacks are available, so you can stop by between classes to reenergize and socialize.

If you have any questions or encounter any challenges while completing these steps, call the Military/Veteran Resource Center at 410-777-4838 or email to schedule an individual appointment.

Financial Aid Options

You have a variety of options when it comes to paying for your education. We can help identify those options, set up your benefits and maximize their impact. Here are several possibilities to consider.

GI Bill®

You can use these VA educational benefits at AACC:

  • Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty
  • Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment (formerly Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment)
  • Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill®
  • Chapter 35 Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA)

At this time, AACC does not participate in the following voluntary VA educational benefit programs:

  • Veterans Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP)
  • Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC)

Learn more about using veteran education benefits.


Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for Pell Grant, student loan and Federal Work-Study eligibility. AACC’s Federal School Code is 002058.

AACC Scholarships

Apply for AACC institutional scholarships by visiting our Financial Aid and Scholarships webpage.

Maryland State Grants, Scholarships and Loan Assistance

The Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) at the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) provides a number of state grants, scholarships and loan assistance repayment programs for eligible Maryland residents. Learn more about MHEC's financial aid programs.

Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts Scholarship Program

The Veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to United States Armed Forces personnel who served in the Afghanistan or Iraq conflicts, and their sons, daughters or spouses who are current high school seniors and full-time or part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in an eligible accredited Maryland postsecondary institution. See details on the scholarship's webpage.

The Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship and Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Program

The Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program and the Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Program benefit Maryland residents who meet the criteria of the scholarship. See details on the scholarship's webpage.  

Marine Gunnery Sgt. John David Fry Scholarship

The Marine Gunnery Sgt. John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship) is awarded to children and spouses of certain veterans. If your parent or spouse died in the line of duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, or was a member of the Selected Reserve who died from a service-connected disability, you may qualify for this benefit. Learn more about the Fry Scholarship.

College Policies

Credit for Military Experience

Did you know you could earn college credit for your military experience?

Learn more about getting college credit for your experience.

Residency/Tuition Policy

Students at Anne Arundel Community College are charged tuition according to their residence. Active-duty military personnel, regardless of where they reside or are stationed, pay tuition at the in-county rate. Verification must be presented to the cashier’s office and state authorization restrictions may apply.

Residency Petition.

Learn more about our residency policies for tuition purposes for military personnel and their spouses/dependents.

Health and Wellness Resources

You can perform your best, inside and outside the classroom, when you feel healthy and secure. Your overall health and well-being are vital components to academic and professional success. We have compiled a list of resources that offer a variety of assistance to service members, veterans and their families.

See our health and wellness resources.

Success at AACC

Once you're at AACC, we want you to succeed! Here are a few tips to help you achieve your academic and personal goals. 

Prepare for Your Courses

  • Apply for a distance learning library card. The Truxal Library staff will email you a library card number once your application is processed. This number will grant you access to online databases and other library services. Sign up using the Library Card Application
  • Purchase textbooks and other course materials online at the AACC Bookstore's website
  • Stay informed about campus alerts and closings via AACC’s text messaging system, Omnilert. Sign up on the Campus Alerts page.
  • Familiarize yourself with the campus. Make sure you know in advance where your classes will meet as well as your parking options. Check out campus locations and maps.
  • Review collegewide and academic policies.
  • Review the academic calendar for holiday and college break schedules.
  • Learn about available technology on campus.

Build Your Support Team

To learn more about each of these services, visit the Resources for Students page.

Get Involved

Maintain Your Health

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